The wikileaks diplomatic cables and international politics.

Not sure how many of you have heard about wikileaks and the recent diplomatic cables that they have released.  One of the more interesting things to come out of it (that I’ve read so far) is this:

“WikiLeaks row: China wants Korean reunification, officials confirm

Chinese officials speak after Guardian US embassy cables reveal Beijing is leaning towards acceptance of reunification under Seoul’s control”

The last I knew it was believed for a very long time that China was supporting North Korea although not openly.  Some of the diplomatic cables showed to the contrary and they’ve now publicly come out and said so.

North Korea also recently fired a couple missile at a South Korean island killing two soldiers and two civilians (There’s cctv footage out in the internet where you can see the bombs falling on the island while the citizens run for their lives.).

The timing of this revelation is what I find interesting.  The South Korean government and people have been getting angrier with the attacks and who can blame them?

  • There are huge naval exercises off the yellow sea at the moment (Near North Korea) being undertaken by the US and South Korea armies.
  • There was also the sinking of the South Korean war ship a few months ago.  See the ROKS Cheonan sinking in which 46 sailors lost their lives, most of them young men doing their mandatory years of military service.
  • Finally Kim Jong-il the dictator from the North supposedly has some health issues and he’s picked one of his sons to take over.  Some people think that there are certain individuals from within North Korea that have a problem with his and that he won’t last.

The RussiaToday (multilingual television news network) described the games as “Playing with fire in a room full of dynomite”.

Mentioned elsewhere in the news was an article saying wikileaks would be going after the US Banks next.  Personally I’d love to see what they find on the subject.  Wikileaks while you’re at it why stop at the just the us banks?

The whole wikileaks diplomatic cables is a very interesting situation.   Both sides are making some passionate arguments as to whether or not the final effect will be positive or negative.    The debate ranges from the legality or releasing the documents to disucssing how the security of the “anonymous sources” are ensured to the credibility of wikileaks.  No international breaking story about secrets would be complete if hackers weren’t involved in one way or another.  Do a search on “the jester” for another interesting perspective on the subject.

One thing this has done is gotten people thinking and talking.


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