Fantasia 2016 has come and gone. This year was the festivals 20th anniversary. Since first attending the festival a few years ago it now has become an annual tradition. Here’s the 20th anniversary poster:

This year I went ahead and purchased two 10 pack tickets, for a total of 20 tickets. I also took a week of vacation time at the start of the festival. Going a step further I also purchased one of these small tripod chairs. It’s just the right size to stuff in a backpack and use while you’re waiting in line for the more popular movies (opening and closing nights of the festival, among others).

The reason for the chair purchase is simple. I like getting in line early for the movies I’m going to attend. Part of the fun at this festival is getting in line and talking with the other festival goers. For the more popular movies lines will begin several hours ahead of time. Standing for an hour or more can cause your legs and back to start to ache, and being able to pull out this compact little chair to sit for 15-30 minutes is perfect.
This year I had a long list of movies to catch. Lets get started with the spoiler free reviews! Continue reading →