Quick update on the site!

Hello all, I’ve been playing with various “comment” features. I’ve put into a place a “Like or Dislike” voting system. I’m also looking at an easy way for people to be able to reply to each others comments. I will be continuing to work on the styling of the blog as time permits. Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all the positive feedback via email and the blog. Glad to hear some many people are enjoying it. Continue reading

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Seoul lantern festival

Edit june 13th 2013: I know the video links are down.  I’ll get them back up, I promise.

The Seoul lantern festival was held over three days, May 14th, 15th and 16th.  Activities included going to a temple and making your own lantern, temple tours and a free parade. Oddly enough many Koreans have never been to the parade themselves.  They have a very “I can go to this parade anytime” attitude towards it. This is another picture and video intensive post, it could take some while to load on slow connections, just be patient! Continue reading

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A rainy walk along the Han river, Seoul South Korea.

A few weeks ago I went in search of Seoul street art. As you’ve perhaps seen me say a few times often the best way to discover interesting things is to get lost. A lot of times you can get a ‘feel’ for a neighborhood simply by wandering through it’s street and alley ways.  I like to think I’ve developed a good 6th sense (if you will) for locating street art/graffiti. I got off at a metro station I hadn’t visited before (part of my just pick somewhere and go philosophy). Unfortunately I don’t recall what the name of the station was, but it was chosen because of it’s proximity to the mighty Han river. I believe it was on Line number 6 somewhere in between Hapjeong and Gongdeok stations. Continue reading

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Korea’s best motorcycle

Here’s a short post for all of you motorbike fans!

Today was another day of pick a random direction and start walking. I ended up near the famous Han river and the bridges were part of the great Korean film “The host” was filmed.

While trying to locate an entry way onto the Han pedestrian path I walked along a mix of residential and industrial neighborhoods and stumbled upon this beauty near what looked like a recycling depot:

Make sure you take the time to click on the picks, there are some details you don’t want to miss! Finally I’ll be doing a post on Korean motorcycles and scooters because there are some really interesting ones over here in Korea.

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Galbi in the Hyewa neighborhood, Seoul South Korea

Korean Barbq can be described with two words “simply awesome” or maybe “amazingly delicious” or maybe; well you see where I’m going with this, you could keep on going all day long. I’m still exploring the city and familiarizing myself with the different neighborhoods. I’ve visited at least one that completely turned me off in the sense Continue reading

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