Category Archives: Travel
Ever get that feeling?
No matter how hard I try to shake the feeling every so often from deep inside of me it takes over. I’ve noticed that it seems to be stronger during the changing of the seasons so and I’ve gotten used … Continue reading
Finding the Big Rock brewery in Gangnam Seoul.
Updated March 18th, 2013: Mike mentioned in the comments below that the current instructions were no longer valid. As I’m no longer in Seoul it’s hard for me to confirm this. However using google maps it appears like perhaps the … Continue reading
Dak-baek-suk 누룽지 닭 백숙 (boiled chicken and rice) in Pyeongtaek South Korea
Sure you may be telling yourself, boiled chicken and rice what’s the big deal and I wouldn’t blame you for doing so. I was invited by my Korean friend and her brother to join them for a traditional Korean dish … Continue reading
Farmer’s original hand made burgers, Busan South Korea
Continuing my adventures in the culinary exploration of burgers I bring you: Farmer’s original hand made burgers in Busan, South Korea. I discovered this burger place while wandering the streets of Busan randomly. Anytime I stumble upon one of … Continue reading