Category Archives: Site news
Feeling good, love you Montreal.
It’s summer time in Montreal and it’s magical. I’m mid way through the Fantasia film festival and my first time attending the just for laughs festival. I was on my way home after seeing the Japanese film Room Laudering waiting at the Lionel-Groulx metro station for my train. All of a sudden a random Asian man with a large beer belly is unusually close to me. I raise my head (because I was staring at my phone) only to see him extend his arm out with his hand rolled into a fist. Continue reading
Keep keeping it weird Montreal and HELLO again WORLD!
There’s a sign in a window I walk by daily. It’s a medium size white rectangular sign with bold red letters: “Keep It weird Montreal“. I couldn’t tell you if it has just been placed in the window or if … Continue reading
New design is up.
I’ve been playing with WordPress (I say playing because I’m by no means a programmer) and decided to modify the default twenty ten theme a little. I’m was going for a simple layout without too much fuss and I think … Continue reading
Ever get that feeling?
No matter how hard I try to shake the feeling every so often from deep inside of me it takes over. I’ve noticed that it seems to be stronger during the changing of the seasons so and I’ve gotten used … Continue reading
What’s your center?
For those of you still dropping by I promise you I’ll have lots of fresh material up in the next few weeks… really! I haven’t had the time to do any real work on the site. Continue reading