Category Archives: Fun
Disney sea, Tokyo Japan
I was lucky enough to meet a Disney sea employee while having a few drinks at the Lyphard. After a few hours of speaking in broken English about our respective countries he reached into his pocket and pulled out an … Continue reading
Stopped by the Tokyo Police! Minowa, Tokyo Japan
I met a Korean girl, fluent in Japanese at the Lyhpard bar. Through introductions made by the owner we ended up talking the night away. We kept chatting away and drinking until the closing time at which point we both … Continue reading
Seoul race horse track
On Sunday the 30th of May I dragged out my Korean friend for her first visit to a horse race track. When I was younger one of my grandfathers used to race horses. I wasn’t around them as much as … Continue reading
Big Rock brewery, Gangnam Seoul.
Wed June 2nd was an election day in Korea and most individuals had the day off in order to go place their votes. I had been in Seoul for almost a month and had tasted some of the local Korean … Continue reading
Mt Bugaksan- the northern mountain (Seoul old fortress wall)
A few weeks ago I left the hostel early in the morning with the thought of going in a direction I hadn’t walked through before. Slowly an even road began to have a slight incline. I noted several small galleries … Continue reading