A weird fucking week and I loved it.

I haven’t posted anything in a while.  I’ve written a few articles but all are still in draft mode.  A trip to Spain, some ups and downs that come with life.  Professional and personal accomplishments.  I’ll come around to eventually posting them.  Today I writing because of the week I just experienced.

I had been seeing someone new for the past several months.  A doctor.  By all measures accomplished not only in her professional life, but in her personal life as well.  Although I was uncertain about our future I wanted to give her and our relationship a chance.  I stayed in the relationship longer than I should’ve.

We had been seeing each other for almost three months when this week she discovered that one of her friends (and one of my new friends) had been dating my ex.  This was the ex that I had fell head over heels for.  I even have a blog post about her that you can read here “La vie est tellement merveilleuse.  Life is such a wonderful thing“.

It took me longer than I care to admit to really get over her.  My most recent ex, the doctor knew this.  So when she texted me earlier this week telling me she had news about my ex, I immediately had mixed feelings.  For me it was all in the past.  I didn’t need to hear any information about the person who I had fallen for.  I replied with a text message saying “I’m busy playing ultimate for the next hour and a half.  I’m assuming she’s dating someone you know or one of your coworkers”.  I finished playing ultimate, went home and prepared supper.  Another text message arrived saying “Aren’t you curious about the news I have regarding your ex?”.  This time I replied I had mixed emotions about getting such news.  The text message was quickly followed by a phone call.  The doctor explained to me that her friend, which I knew somewhat had been dating my ex for several months.  He had eventually dumped her via text message.  She thought I would be happy to hear that my ex was dumped via text.  She added some other details I felt weren’t necessary at best and hurtful at worse.

To be fair my ex had been a bit of a bitch when she ended things between us.  I didn’t take it personally and as I explained to the doctor regardless of how I felt about the ex who broke my heart I didn’t wish any malice onto others.  I understand that the doctor felt this news might make me happy, but that’s just not how I go through life.

The one funny and strange thing that really sunk in and made me laugh the following day was realizing that the person my ex had been seeing lived on the same street as myself.  I suddenly pictured her face and reaction when she heard her new boyfriend announce the name of the street he lived on.

It had been several weeks in the making but this incident made me realize that me and the doctor I was seeing would not work out.  I slept like shit that night.  Knowing that my present relationship was ending and having to deal with news about my ex that I didn’t really want to get.  It was all in the past, and suddenly there she was trust back into my life by the current woman I was dating.  It was just weird.  I’ve commented on weirdness in the past.  I appreciate and love weirdness.   This was just the start of a wonderfully pleasurable and weird week.

The following day (Wednesday) as I was going to my usual lunch time physical activity I found 20$ on the ground.  Nothing spectacular, but a few days earlier I had the feeling I was going to find money on the ground.  Pure coincidence i’m sure but it made me laugh when I picked up the 20$.

As I’m walking to work on Thursday I exit the metro station and a block into my morning pedestrian commute I found this wonderful pot for plants.  I had made plans to go shopping for the exact same ceramic pot plant on the weekend.  As you can see it’s a perfect fit.

These events in themselves would have been enough for me to consider this an abnormal week.  Yet here I was on my way home Friday night after a little 5 à 7 (drinks after work) with coworkers.  I walked to the metro station with a coworker I had just met.  We entered the Mont-Royal metro station and made our way to the platform as we waited for the next train to arrive.  The train arrived and as it did so I thought I recognized the person standing next to me on the platform.  I wasn’t 100% positive if it was indeed her, so I called out her name “Soleil!”.  She turned around and once she recognized me, smiled.  It was the Soleil, who I had dated immediately after the ex who had left me brokenhearted.  I had actually traveled to Spain for a vacation with her during our brief courtship.  I have a draft article written about the experience.  We had agreed to be friends and had communicated on and off for a while before loosing contact with each other.  Victims of the demands of our responsibilities in life and at work.

She quickly mentioned that she had been thinking about me this week.  While we were seeing each other, I had lent her a book that she had slowly been working her way through.  She mentioned she only had 20 pages left and suggested perhaps we could go for a coffee and catch up.  We talked some more as the train made it’s way along the orange line.  The conversation was sincere, warm and friendly.  She was holding a small orchid plant that was to be a birthday present.  Soleil had this wonderfully welcoming home that made you immediately relaxed.  It was the type of home that felt like a warm blanket on a cold day.  I was genuinely happy to see and speak to her.  She was heading to a friends birthday and as she got off we did la bise and wished each other a good night.

This event made the week wonderfully weird and out of the norm.  The weather has been getting colder.  Fall is approaching.   This time last year I was just getting to know the person for whom I would end up being brokenhearted.  Since then I’ve met an amazing group of women.  I’ve made a whole slew of new friends that I’m truly fond of and respect.  On the professional front I’ve made great advancements and continue to build on them.

I just wanted to say thank you.  Thank you for everything that came my way this week.  The good, the bad, the weird.  To my family, my friends, the people in my life good and bad, thank you.  I’m publishing this article as is.  Normally I would write a draft, select and edit the photos I want to include in the article and finally review it for comprehension, spelling and grammar mistake before finally publishing it.

Not tonight.  Tonight is weird, and I will clean up this article on a different day. The following day, while running errands, I saw the weirdest dog I’ve ever seen in Montreal. Now I normally clean all the meta data from my pictures. However I’ve purposely kept the meta data in this picture as proof that I actually did see this “dog” the following day. It seemed like the perfect end to a wonderfully strange week.


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