Square Enix shop, Tokyo Japan

While wandering my way through Tokyo I happened to stumble upon the Square Enix shop.  For those of you who might not be familiar with Square Enix, they produced a series of video games called Final Fantasy (at least that’s what they were called in North America).  I won’t pretend to be a huge Square Enix fan.

That being said I have played some of their games growing up and know that several of my friends still play their games now.  In a city as large as Tokyo I thought it had to be fate that I just walked down the street where the Square Enix Shop was located.

I entered the shop and having been in Tokyo a few days I proceeded to ask if it was ok to take some pictures.  In many of the various shops and malls it’s forbidden to take pictures.  On more than one occasion I was snapping pictures for 10-15 minutes until I happened to see a “no pictures” sign.  Usually a camera with the universal “no” red circle and bar above it.

Here a few quick shots from outside just before entering the shop:

Here’s a few from the main entrance floor room.  These included custom toys, stuffed toys and all kinds of game related souvenirs (t shirts etc).  In one of these pictures you can make out in the background the “Jewelry room” which contained some expensive as you might of guessed jewelry, but also some toy figures and an awesome floor display:

Here we have the floor and jewelry display I mention above.  The floor display was life sized and you could walk on it.  It was actually pretty impressive:

Although the shop itself was small it contained everything a Square Enix fan would want.  I personally didn’t purchase anything (having already stocked up on my Japanese souvenirs).  It was a nice random “find” while wandering the streets of Tokyo!

Here’s a map in case you’re looking for directions to the shop (update:  I used to have an embedded map here pointing out the location.  Google has changed it’s functionality and I haven’t had a chance to update my site.  This link should work in the meantime).

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3 Responses to Square Enix shop, Tokyo Japan

  1. Ladive-san says:

    That’s the problem with me ever going to Japan. I’d need an extra 100,000$ to buy all my souvenirs….

    Good stuff by the way! I’ve been reading along as you go, looks like an amazing adventure. Can’t wait to hear about it more this summer.

    • mtl_dokkaebi says:

      Hey Ladive,

      Yeah that is definitely the problem with Japan. There are several 100 yen shops (dollar stores) to buy little souvenirs in, however if you’re remotely geeky you’ll keep finding more and more things you want to bring home with with.

      Glad you’re enjoying the blog and I can’t wait to have you guys over at the beach!


  2. kingdomheartzluva13 says:

    Wow… I really want EVERYTHING in this shop! But the only problem is I’d have to take an extra £50,000 to buy the innappropriately expensive jewellery and (remotely cheap?) souvenirs. Could somebody give us an idea of how much figurines, plushies, etc. cost please? :)

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